Material Procurement

Basic Principles of Materials Procurement by the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group

The KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group procures materials, services, and other commodities necessary for production and supply from global markets with appropriate prices, delivery dates, and qualities in order to provide products that are valuable and satisfactory to its customers.
The Group also emphasizes strict compliance with related laws and environmental considerations, engages in fair and open transactions, and promotes the buildup of partnerships with its suppliers.


We will build even better partnerships with all our suppliers, thereby deepening mutual understanding and fully utilizing relationships based on trust.

Open Door

We will base ourselves on the principles of free competition and engage in fair and just transactions with suppliers both inside and outside the country.

Selection of Suppliers

Suppliers will be selected based on a sufficient evaluation and appropriate procedures regarding material quality, prices, delivery dates, managerial reliability, environmental considerations, and technical development ability.

Supply of Information

We respond in good faith to supplier requests and notify its our suppliers of any information required in transactions. At the same time, we seek useful information from our suppliers as well.

Observation of Trade Secrets

All trade secrets provided by any supplier will be strictly controlled in an attempt to ensure confidentiality.

Contact Information about Procurement Centers

Offices (Main line)
Tokyo Procurement Department 042-322-3111
HYS Engineering Service Inc. Procurement Department