Action Guidelines for Environmental Conservation

These Guidelines are based on the Business Conduct Guidelines. These Guidelines are intended to set forth KOKUSAI DENKI Electric's action guidelines for addressing environmental conservation in relation to its business activities.


In order to realize an environmentally harmonious and sustainable society through products and services, KOKUSAI DENKI Electric is committed to meeting its social responsibilities by promoting globally-applicable Monozukuri (designing, manufacturing or repairing of products), which is aimed at reducing environmental burdens of products throughout their entire life cycles, ensuring global environmental conservation.

Action Guidelines

  1. Global environmental conservation is a critical challenge shared by all humans. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric is committed, therefore, to fulfilling its responsibilities by assisting in the realization of an environmentally harmonious and sustainable society as one of its management priorities.
  2. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will make efforts to contribute to society by developing highly reliable technologies and production processes, while identifying needs considering concerns related to the prevention of global warming, conservation of resources, and preservation of ecosystem.
  3. Executive Officers in charge of environmental conservation and Monozukuri are responsible for facilitating appropriate environmental conservation activities. Through divisions responsible for environmental conservation they should endeavor to promote and ensure environmental conservation activities, including improving environment-related rules and regulations and setting goals for environmental burden reduction. They should also confirm that their environmental conservation activities are conducted in a proper manner and ensure that these activities are maintained and improved.
  4. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will promote globally applicable Monozukuri with the aim of understanding and reducing environmental burdens at every stage, including product research and development, design, production, distribution, sales, usage and final disposal.
  5. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will investigate and review the environmental impact caused in the course of its Monozukuri processes. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will also introduce excellent technologies and materials useful to safeguard the environment, in other words, to reduce environmental burdens through energy and resource saving, recycling, chemical substance management, consideration for the ecosystem, and other measures.
  6. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric's environmental conservation efforts are not only to be focused on observing international environmental regulations and those of national and local governments, but also on conserving the environment by implementing voluntary environmental standards when necessary.
  7. Regarding globally-applicable Monozukuri activities, impact on the local environment and community are to be considered. In addition, measures that meet local communities' requests should be implemented.
  8. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will educate its employees on the observance of environment-related laws, raise their environmental awareness, encourage their interest in society at large, educate them on broad-based global environmental conservation activities, and take action.
  9. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will evaluate potential environmental problems and prevent them from occurring. In the event that any environmental problem occurs, KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will take appropriate measures to minimize the impact on the environment.
  10. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will make efforts to disclose information on its environmental conservation activities to its relevant stakeholders. KOKUSAI DENKI Electric will also actively communicate with these stakeholders so as to strengthen mutual understanding and forge cooperative relationships with them.

Established on September 1995
Revised on August 2010