Message from the President

Kaichiro Sakuma(Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer)

In October 2000, Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. was formed from the merger of three companies: Kokusai Electric Co., Ltd., Hitachi Denshi, Ltd., and Yagi Antenna Co., Ltd. Since that time, we have focused on using our superior technologies to create new value in two fields: "Video and Wireless Network Solutions", and "Thin Film Processing Solutions". In this way, we have contributed to building the foundation of a safe and affluent society.

Then, in June 2018, the business of thin film processing solutions (business related to semiconductor production equipment) was split off, and we have started afresh as a company focusing on video and wireless network solutions.

Currently, efforts related to IoT and digitalization are progressing. Here, all things in the physical space are being connected, and data that has become visible by sensing is being mapped into cyberspace. Such mapping enables the use of AI and big-data analysis. As a result, we can now extract value that was formerly invisible and, by feeding back our findings into the physical space, we can create innovative new value and services, such as improvements in production. In this situation, the new Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., will accelerate its shift to the solutions business, responding to the challenges and needs of our customers and society. With our technologies for wireless communications, video surveillance, and image processing at the core, this shift will make the greatest possible use of our experience and knowledge cultivated over many years, and of our cooperative relations with our customers and partner companies. We intend to contribute to the realization of Society 5.0 and super-smart societies.

We have revised the formulation of our group identity to "Contributing to the realization of a society of security, safety and happiness through the development of superior technology, products and solutions." As members of the Hitachi Kokusai Electric group, we should be proud of our group identity, and through monozukuri* we should improve the relationship of trust with our customers and partner companies, and contribute to realization of an affluent society.
(*Monozukuri: The literal translation is “making things,” but this term refers to all aspects of production, including design, supply-chain control, manufacturing, and maintenance.) Going forward, you can expect great things from the new Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.

Kaichiro Sakuma
(Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer)