The KOKUSAI DENKI Electric group (abbreviated below to "the Company") has adopted the corporate philosophy of “Change and Challenge! For the Creation of the Future of Earth and People”. In order to achieve this, we have established the "KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group Identity" as a systematization of our added VALUE, which represents our stance and the value we provide.
The Business Conduct Guidelines consist of rules and principles intended to assist officers and employees of KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group in making decisions and taking action in accord with the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group Identity. All our officers and employees must understand and follow the Business Conduct Guidelines, and must pledge to act with sincerity and fairness in a highly ethical manner.
(1) We will contribute to resolving social issues by promoting innovative solutions, accelerating collaborative creation with partners and stakeholders, and further integrating social and environmental responsibility into our business activities.
(2) We will strive to develop technologies that contribute to social development and use them with due consideration of their impact on society.
(3) We envision a low-carbon society, a resource efficient society, and a harmonized society with nature. To this end, we will endeavor to reduce CO2 emissions, use water and other resources efficiently, and minimize impacts on natural capital throughout our value chain.
(4) As a corporate citizen, we will make efforts to build rapport with communities and contribute to their development by working together to resolve social issues.
2-1-1. Fair Trading
To ensure fair and open competition, we will observe the fundamental rules of trade, including domestic and overseas competition laws and regulations, and act in compliance with legislation and sound corporate ethics.
2-1-2. Anti-Social Forces
We will have no relationship whatsoever with antisocial forces anywhere in the world, and resolutely reject involvement in improper or antisocial transactions.
2-1-3. Insider Information and Insider Trading
All officers and employees will not trade shares using undisclosed information regarding the group, affiliated companies, business partners, or customers that could affect the judgment of investors (insider information).
2-1-4. Compliance with Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Lows
We strictly prohibit and will have no involvement in bribery and other corrupt business practices. We will neither give or receive gifts nor extend or accept invitations to business entertainment beyond socially accepted limits, as we recognize that such practices can foster corruption. When working with political entities, we will build and maintain sound and transparent relationships.
2-1-5. Export Control
We will help maintain international peace and security through compliance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning import and export, and will operate appropriately according to our internal rules and policies.
2-1-6. The respect of international norms and standards
We will comply with applicable laws, respect social cultures and practices, and act sincerely and fairly in countries and regions where we have operations. Furthermore, we will do so guided by international norms and standards even in areas where legislation is not adequately enforced.
2-1-7. Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Laws
We takes great care to guard against use by criminals of our products or services, or transactions with us, to “launder” the proceeds of crime. In no circumstances should you assist any person in any conduct involving Our products or services that violates fiscal, trade or anti-money laundering laws, including evasion of applicable taxes or import duties. Nor should you facilitate or participate in any activity that subverts this obligation.
2-1-8. Accounting and Financial Reporting
We follows strict accounting principles and places a high value on the integrity and accuracy of our record-keeping. As a result, you must report financial information, including expense reports, accurately and completely and use appropriate internal controls and processes to ensure that accounting and financial reporting comply with the laws and standards in every country in which we do business.
2-1-9. Relationships with Suppliers
(1) With a global vision, and mindful of the long-term perspective, we will find qualified suppliers and build fair and equal partnerships with them, working together to build mutual understanding and trust.
(2) In selecting suppliers, we will thoroughly review the quality, reliability, delivery time, and price of the materials they provide as well as their business stability and technological capability. We will give due consideration to their adoption of social responsibility practices, including areas such as the abolition of unfair discrimination, the elimination of child labor and forced labor, and environmental conservation.
(3) We will not accept any personal benefits from suppliers in procurement transactions.
2-1-10. Relationships with Customers
(1) We will provide products and services that meet the needs and requirements of our customers, complying with relevant laws and standards and ensuring quality and safety by setting additional standards of our own where necessary.
(2) We will communicate with customers sincerely, address defects and customer complaints quickly and in good faith, and strive to determine causes in order to eliminate them and prevent recurrence.
(1) We will promote the ethical handling of information, so as to ensure respect for human rights and security, through the proper management of personal information based on our Personal Information Protection Policy.
(2) We will properly manage and protect confidential information related to our business activities in compliance with domestic and international laws and regulations as well as our internal rules and policies.
(3) In order to maintain and expand our trusting relationship with the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group’s diverse stakeholders, we will disclose information openly and transparently, and respond to stakeholders responsibly through dialogue and other means of communication.
(1) We will protect our own intellectual property, respect third-party intellectual property, and use both effectively for smooth business operations.
(2) We will manage our own and third-party confidential information by importance and manage and handle it appropriately based on this ranking.
(3) We will protect and enhance the value of the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Brand, recognizing it as an important management asset.
We will use all our corporate assets (including equipment, materials, resources, email, internet-related assets, software, and confidential information) only for business activities and other appropriate purposes, and manage them properly to protect their value.
We do not tolerate any illicit behavior. Even in everyday tasks, we take care not to overlook such behavior. If we discover any act that deviates from these Business Conduct Guidelines, we must quickly report it to our supervisor or report it via the internal report system. Note that the Company prohibits all harassment, discrimination, and retaliation against any current or former officer or employee who performs the following actions:
(1) Asks questions or has consultations regarding the Business Conduct Guidelines.
(2) Sincerely reports actual violations or suspected violations to the Company, government agency, or law enforcement agency.
(3) Refuses to be involved in violations of the Business Conduct Guidelines.
(4) Cooperates with investigations into violations of the Business Conduct Guidelines.
Once you communicate something on a social network, it spreads immediately and can continue to spread. Therefore, you must be extremely careful regarding anything you write (including the phrasing, content, etc.) on a social network. In particular, it is easy to mix up private and work-related matters while online. For these reasons, all officers and employees must carefully follow the instructions of the relevant department regarding social media, even when using social media in a private capacity. All officers and employees must avoid giving the impression that they are expressing their opinion as a representative of KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group.
You must avoid situations in which there is a potential for conflict between your personal interests and your obligations to Hitachi. You may not evade these requirements by acting indirectly through anyone else, such as your family, friends or relatives. If in doubt, you should always seek prior guidance and approval from your manager, Human Resources or Legal and Compliance.
Examples include:
(1) Marketing on a Commercial Basis products or services that compete with current or potential offerings from our company.
(2) Representing, working for, or serving on the board of our customer, competitor or supplier while working for the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group.
(3) Investing in any organization with which our company do business or competes, if that investment would create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest with the KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group.
We concentrate on KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group’s work with good faith during work hours and do not perform non-KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group work or solicit such business on the Company premises.
An officer or employee who participates in a committee of an organizational body in a regional community must avoid conflicts of interest between our company and groups outside our company or organizational bodies. To do this, the officer or employee must refrain from being involved in decision making or voting on matters that involve the Company and the organizational body.
You must not, in the name of KOKUSAI DENKI Electric Group or on its behalf, make any financial contributions or provide other support to political parties, politicians, or candidates for election to public office, without prior approval from your organization.
Top managers shall take the initiative in complying with the Business Conduct Guidelines and make their best efforts to conduct business based on corporate ethics and the law. In the event of violation of the Business Conduct Guidelines, top managers shall swiftly take corrective measures and actions to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, while at the same time strictly disciplining themselves as well as those involved in the violation.
(1) We will promote our understanding of internationally recognized human rights, and will respect and not infringe on the human rights of all those involved in our business activities.
(2) We will implement human rights due diligence appropriate to the social circumstances of the countries and regions where we have operations and the nature of our businesses, products, and services there.
(3) We will assess and prevent potential violations of human rights. In the event of such a violation, we will promptly take internal and external actions to correct and remedy the situation.
(4) We will respect individual human rights in the recruitment and treatment of employees and during all other company activities. We will not engage in any acts that may impair individual dignity or discriminate on bases such as sex, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, ideology, belief, religion, social status, family origin, disease, disability.
(5) We will hire employees in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations in each country and region, and in accordance with international norms and standards. We will not use child labor that employs children below the minimum working age or forced labor that is against the will of employees.
(6) We will strive to resolve issues through sincere and constructive discussion between management and employees, in compliance with the laws, regulations, and labor practices of each country and region, and in accordance with international norms and standards.
We hold safety as the top priority for all of our activities to bring high-quality products to our customers.
We respect the diversity of each and every person, and we utilize their individual talents and skills to bring about results.
We are highly goal-oriented, and we never succumb to a fear of change as we constantly take on new challenges with a strategic mindset and a quick pace.